We Manually Collect Samples
Soil sampling is hard work and many soil test providers have switched to automated sampling devices which collect cores of highly variable sample depths to composite into a single sample. Soil test recommendations are dependent on samples collected at a uniform and consistent sample depth. Our samples represent consistent 9” cores which provide accurate data to base our limestone and fertilizer recommendations.

We Air Dry Soil Samples
Most laboratories oven-dry samples brought to their lab. In our laboratory, we air dry our soil samples over several days.

In-house studies conducted at our lab have shown that when soils are oven-dried, extractable plant nutrients are significantly reduced. This results in excessive amounts of fertilizer being applied to soils that already have sufficient levels. This is the case with other labs which promise next day or 2 day results.

We Use a Weight Basis Method of Analysis
Most laboratories prepare samples for analysis using a volumetric scoop. However, In-house studies have proven that the scoop method is unreliable. That is because not only do scoops of the exact same volume of soils with different ratios of sand, silt and clay yield highly variable weights but two scoops of the same soil have significantly different weights.

We Continually Review Results
We constantly review research conducted by our laboratory as well as field trial studies conducted from Florida to Oklahoma, Missouri to South Louisiana, the Mississippi River alluvial plains ( Delta) in Tennessee to the Mississippi Gulf. This way, we can pinpoint calibrations in order to recommend fertilizers that will correct deficiencies in all the macro and micro nutrients essential for plant growth.

We Use the Latest Technology
Our completed soil test report utilizes Geographic Information Software (GIS) and incorporates current National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery to produce data maps for pH specific essential nutrients and organic matter data plotted on fields sampled. Our recommendation maps plot each sample point and describe the variable fertilizer inputs suggested.

We offer our growers a CD that provides the sample point and field boundary files and soil test data files to the applicator of their choice for prescription preparation and application.

We Are an Independent Soil Test Data Provider
Because we are independent, growers are free to shop for the best deals on suggested fertilizer and application fees. Our growers own their data. Their data is not re-sold or marketed by this laboratory.

Growers can also use our soil test program to make their own applications. Some of our growers use their own equipment to make variable seeding maps, apply fertilizers broadcast (both liquid and solid), apply variable rate side-dress nitrogen and apply variable rate pre-emerge herbicides.


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